Gowtham Ravindrathas

Software Engineer at Pollen Technologies


About Me

It all started when I first tried to edit a website by clicking on inspect element. Later led to me building my first website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I slowly fell into a rabbit hole of learning new web technologies and going into the depths of software engineering.

Fast forward today, I'm a software engineer based in London, UK. My current role involves leading frontend development, building robust and innovative software solutions for Pollen Technologies - from intuitive customer landing pages, sophisticated internal dashboards and other tools to help the business grow.

When I'm not at the computer, I'm usually training at the gym, exploring new places with friends and indulging my culinary curiosity by going on a quest for food.


Jul 2023 - Present

Frontend Developer · Pollen Technologies

Offer modern banking for businesses by taking lead on frontend development at Pollen Technologies. Create software for both external clients and internal use at Pollen Technologies.

ReactNext.jsNode.jsTypeScriptSpringAWS ServicesMaterial UIJava

Jan 2023 - Jul 2023

Frontend Developer · HIVED

Lead frontend development at HIVED. Create frontend solutions for a variety of microservices used by HIVED. Create applications used by around 20,000 customers daily and in-house apps used by our drivers and staff.

FlutterReactNode.jsTypeScriptGolangAWS ServicesGrafana Faro

Mar 2022 - Jan 2023

Software Engineer · University of Exeter

Work on the University of Exeter app that is used by around 22,000 students, create chatbot API microservice used in various applications, create virtual tour app to help students navigate campus and work on online programmes website.

ReactFlutterNode.jsTypeScriptAWS ServicesDynamoDBCognitoCDK

Mar 2021 - Nov 2021

Full Stack Developer · Swmstudios

Design and develop website for Swmstudios and clients, develop and maintain internal tools. New website increased traffic by 200%. Developed internal tools to help manage clients and projects.

ReactNextFramer motionTypeScript

Sep 2019 - Sep 2021

Frontend Developer · Nocxa

Lead frontend development, develop e-commerce websites for clients such as Great Comcat Engineering Ltd, Di-tea and Sai Kung Cafe. Increased sales by 300% and increased traffic by 200% on average. Also created and setup Google business profiles for clients.




Search engine that locates AI-generated images. Allows users to filter, view, download and favourite AI-generated images from varying resolutions and quality.

Next.jsReactFramer MotionMaterial UIAWS ServicesNode.jsTypeScriptDynamoDB

Application for visualising neural networks as directed graphs. Allows you to upload JSON files with data about layers, nodes and edges of the neural network then visualise, edit and export the updated neural network.

Next.jsReactMaterial UINode.jsTypeScriptReact FlowD3.js

University wide app used by over 20,000 students. Built with Flutter frontend - consuming a Node.js backend microservices architecture. Has features such as timetable, maps, events, news, and more.

FlutterProvidersBLoCChopperAWS ServicesNode.jsTypeScriptMongoDB

E-commerce website for Great Comcat Engineering Ltd. Built with Next.js, Tailwind, Framer Motion and MongoDB. Has features such as Stripe and PayPal payments, and more.

Next.jsTailwindStripeFramer MotionPayPalMongoDB

A small Flutter application to search and view details about Reddit posts as such 'r/topics'. Built with Flutter and consuming the Reddit API. Uses Providers and BLoC for state management and Chopper for API calls.

FlutterProvidersBLoCChopperAWS Services

Simulation of gravity between particles written in JavaScript. Uses HTML Canvas to render the particles. Has features such as changing the number of particles, and more.

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